
Water monitoring applications in Agriculture

农业工作者比以往任何时候都更需要监测和管理他们的水量和水质量。 我们提供可靠的水质监测设备,旨在协同工作,为您节省时间和金钱。 从流量监测到地表水质量,再到农场废水监测,再到地下水位和质量监测,我们提供安装简单、使用方便且可靠的经济高效的解决方案。


“Now we’re getting data constantly. I can watch trends and make decisions immediately. The goal is to prevent damage before it happens. I really feel like we can do that now.”

Ron Foreman - Director of the Water Department, Town of Bethany Beach, DE

These systems deliver the accuracy we need with little maintenance. They’ve been a reliable alternative for us.

John Relvas - Data Specialist, CCID

Headquarters: 221 E. Lincoln Ave, Fort Collins, CO, 80524, USA