
Conduct wastewater monitoring and chemical analysis to meet regulatory requirements and control costs.

每个污水处理厂,无论规模或容量如何,都面临着满足监管要求的挑战,同时还需最大限度地减少能源和化学品的使用。 随着 ChemScan 和 Partech 品牌加入我们顶级水质监测仪器、遥测和软件产品组合,我们现在可以在工艺的每个阶段为废水监测和控制提供可靠的解决方案。 我们的解决方案包括自动化学分析系统、配置灵活且易于集成到您的控制系统中的全系列数字传感器,以及支持离线数据收集的便携式监控设备。 凭借数十年的经验,直观的工业级设计确保可靠的操作和准确的结果,设备易于使用和维护。


"ChemScan analyzers automatically collect and test the samples [for ammonia and nitrate concentrations] and then adjusts the aerators accordingly. It’s all automatic and provides more precise control of our nitrification and denitrification processes.”

Kevin Grant - Valrico Plant Manager

We needed a process that was operator-friendly, durable and long lasting. The on-line analyzers have been the key to making this a reality.

Pat Murphy - PCWRF, Plant City, FL

The analyzer has been a jewel. It works day in and day out, without asking much from us.

Nick Schmeiser - Director of Public Works, Whiting, WI

Headquarters: 221 E. Lincoln Ave, Fort Collins, CO, 80524, USA