Surface Water

Monitor water quality, level and flow in fresh water and saltwater environments.

旨在协同工作的设备可满足在湖泊、河流、溪流、湿地、河口和沿海环境中进行有效和高效水质监测的各种要求。 我们的多参数和单参数仪器非常适合使用移动设备技术进行抽查,或使用蜂窝遥测进行长期连续监测。 无论您是监测有害藻华、营养物污染、富营养化、TMDL、溪流还是其他水文现象,我们的解决方案都旨在实现最大的可靠性和最少的维护,帮助您在事件发生之前发现趋势并追踪事件。


“We first tried the Level TROLL 500 at the Rigolets, the saltwater outlet of Lake Pontchartrain to the Gulf of Mexico. The sensor’s titanium body stood up against zebra mussels, barnacles, and the corrosive effects of saltwater, making it more reliable.

Bill Emmett (ret.), - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New Orleans District

The Aqua TROLL 600 simplifies the process by letting us quickly collect up to 1,200 data points per kilometer of nitrate data. We [also] use the logger to ‘sanity check’ the data from other sensors when we put the boat in the water every day.

Paul Scerri - President, Platypus

With the Aqua TROLL 600 and HydroVu, we get better data, better reports, and have a better handle on what’s happening in the river. If it’s sunny and dry and we see a peak in turbidity or pH, we know we should go look. There may be an illicit discharge.

Patrick Chavez - Stormwater Engineer, AMAFCA

VuLink has changed my life. It’s so simple to use and affordable, and the quality of the data is so much better, it’s really changed the game for us.

Eli Kersh - LakeTech

Headquarters: 221 E. Lincoln Ave, Fort Collins, CO, 80524, USA