
VuLink® 蜂窝遥测使远程监控变得实用、安全和有效,而且成本低于您的预期。

TROLL Link 201 Telemetry System

通过 Iridium Satellite 卫星网络将实时数据传输到 In-Situ 数据中心。

HydroMace XCi


Continuous water monitoring is the best way to get complete information on your monitoring sites and ensure that you never miss an event. And VuLink cellular telemetry is your best choice for data logging and transmission.  

With one button press, VuLink autodetects any In-Situ device, and icons indicate battery life, instrument connection, network connection and HydroVu connection. Extended battery life and expanded coverage across multiple networks gives you data access anytime from virtually anywhere. VuLink’s sub-two-inch diameter design with IP68 rating is perfect for secure installation in a pipe or well. And VuLink offers free data for life on a limited number of parameters.

For telemetered data from just about any environmental sensor, choose the HydroMace XCi multipurpose monitor. Log and transmit data from flumes and weirs, rain gauges, weather stations and more with this versatile device. Rugged and affordable, the HydroMace XCi has everything you need for remote data access, alerts and alarms.

Headquarters: 221 E. Lincoln Ave, Fort Collins, CO, 80524, USA